Thursday 16 February 2017

The ups and downs of motivation

So I have had an amazing week back on plan slimming world style. Kept within my syns every day, tried out new recipes, and really have got my mojo back, enjoying being on plan again. 
Slimming world coronation chicken
Got on the scales at group, thinking yes! Bang this one of the of park. Nope. Maintained. 
I literally got off the scales wanting to hit someone/something. After all this time not quite being on plan it's actually more disheartening when you have been on plan and didn't get the loss you wanted. But carry on I shall. I could have quite easily eaten my weight in cookie dough, but I had already decided to have tuna pasta when I got home. So glad I did.
I think this week I am going to go back to all those favourite foods that I always really enjoyed eating, and keep that motivation, which is much easier with the great friends you make in the process. For example this morning I went out with one of the girls, and just enjoyed having a good old chin wag whilst enjoying a morning walk. Body magic without even feeling like that was what we were doing. Hopefully this week I will get a good loss. My only 'problem day' is Saturday night, where I am going out for dinner and then going out clubbing afterwards. The plan is to eat really healthily and well with a big breakfast to start with, so that I can use all my syns on the food and drink of an evening. The other danger area is the day after hangover food, so I think if I plan my food for Sunday, I'm less likely to stray off plan.
Weetabix with sliced banana and a choc shot
Dirty chip shop curry. Filth.

The other really lovely thing about this week is being able to keep my resolution of self love going in the right direction. The plans have slightly changed- in March I am going to Bucharest with one of my friends who used to live and work out there. Will be amazing to have someone in the know to go with to get a true insight into the city. Still haven't booked the holiday with my best friend in May, but we are just going to be looking for deals when they come up. October is getting booked soon, and if all goes to plan, will be going to Peru. Looking forward to going to a place that is really different and unique. I don't like going to typical holiday destinations, so this will be perfect.
Also this week, I had my lush spa treatment at Bath Spa. I find when I am struggling with myself, having that time to have a proper relax and pamper always helps me get my confidence and mood back to where it needs to be. I was going to have the comforter treatment, as I haven't experienced it yet, but I could only get availability for Synaesthesia. Definitely the right decision in the end. I have had two of these treatments before, and have always enjoyed that little protective bubble that you come out of your treatment with. This one however, I don't know whether it was because I was at a different spa, or what it was, but I really felt I got transported back to the magic of that first synaesthesia treatment. The massage bar word I chose was perspective, and the alice in wonderland bottle I chose was forgiveness. They give you a bubble bar and a massage bar of the same fragrance (perspective) to help transport your mind back to that calm state. I have definitely been using the massage bar as a moisturiser every day since the treatment, which has really helped me to lift and keep my mood where it needs to be. It has also been a really nice way to calm my mind when I have started to get anxious or stressed. As I am prone to overthinking, this has been really helping me to think of things in a much more productive way, rather than it spiraling out of control.
Hopefully this will make new grooves and will see the results long term.
This journey of slimming and self love is long, but in the end it is worth it :)

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