Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Lenten Promises

It's the beginning of lent, and you might be giving up something for it. Dad gives up alcohol every year. Jaymie is giving up chocolate and alcohol. Jen just the booze. Me? I thought I would give up something different this year.
A couple of years ago, I gave up chocolate, and it grew into junk food general. I know that if I want to, I can give up any of those things for lent. I just wanted to do something I've never done before. I'm giving up wasting my money irresponsibly. It may sound like such a little thing to you, but to me? It's going to be difficult. I am bad with money. I am definitely a lot better than what I was before, but it is still an issue with me. I don't keep proper tabs on my money at all. It will be good to see how much money I could save during lent, mainly just to prove to myself that I can do it. I think it will also make me question what I think is important. Is going out with my friends irresponsible money-wise? Is going out for a drink wasting money? I don't think I will be a recluse for the whole of lent by a long shot, but it will make me realise; I can save money and see my friends.
A good example was when I went to go see the lush girls today. I gave myself a limit to what I could spend. I still had a great time with them, but just didn't spend much (especially with the 20% discount at Sakura, my new favourite restaurant. NOM.). 
Going out with them doesn't need a price tag, because it was so good to see them in the first place, and that is what friendship is all about. 
I really value the friendship I have with them all. They are all so unique, so different. We all have different passions, but all so friendly, kind and caring. From a musicians point of view, I find it really nice and refreshing to not always talk about music. I love all my musician friends dearly, but coming from university, where all my friends were musicians, it's nice to have that change.
Anyway..the long and short of it, please don't get offended if I suggest cheap nights in/sound like a cheapskate. It's just my Lenten promise. x

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