Monday, 30 January 2012

I may be short, but damn, I'm standing tall!

I've definitely seen a change in my behaviour after reading 'living la Vida Loca' (one of my blogs before). Not just towards other people, but mainly towards myself. I respect myself so much more now, and I am a lot more upbeat in my way of thinking.
I'd like this one, please.
I was watching the new episodes of 'The Vampire Diaries' earlier today. I love the show, but it is all doom and gloom, and usually brought my mood way down. I started feeling sorry for myself that I have no job, that I had to pay my phonebill today, I don't have that steady income or safety net. I could feel my mood lowering, but it was as if I had a mental thermostat. When my mood lowered to a certain point, my brain refused to go anymore, snapping me out of it, bringing me back to my normal, higher mood. That has never happened before. Normally, I would stay in that bad mood for the rest of the day, and proceed to moan to my friends for about an hour, (poor Jaymie).
Because I didn't break down to that low place, I ended up going back on jobseekers, applying for jobs online, handing out CV's in Gunwarf. Within 45 minutes of handing my CV in, Wagamama's rung me, and I have an interview tomorrow!
I am learning that bad feelings are a choice, now I'm feeling so much stronger, and feel better in myself. Forgetting about all the bad things in the day, and focusing on making things better has got me a job interview, and hopefully my jobseekers money back.
The bad things in life are what give us focus, determination, and strength to stand proud on our two feet.
I may be short, but damn, I'm standing tall!

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