Thursday, 24 May 2012

Damn you tonsillitis.

This week since I got tonsillitis I have been staying away from people, so that I don't pass it on to anyone else. I have missed out on the sun, eating proper food, seeing people I care about, the plans I missed, and potentially the plans I made for the rest of this week and the next. Being ill gets kinda lonely. It also makes you feel like you are being left behind. Everything grinds to a halt, and you feel separated from the people around you. 
For me at the moment, it isn't a good thing. My mood has dropped considerably. I find it very hard to ask for help or comfort, and it seems so selfish to ask a friend to text, or message me to cheer me up. I am instead using my two passions to cheer me up: reading, and music.
Yes, I still feel down in the dumps, but I could feel a lot worse. This way, I don't have to lean on others to get through the little things, and I can just ride it out.
For the rest of you, enjoy the silence for the next couple of days :P x

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