Saturday, 29 October 2011

Feminism- pedantic or a just cause??

I have just been reading the article- I blame the media for ignoring feminism, and it got me thinking. Some things that Tanya Gold said I agree with. Politics especially is such a difficult job for a female. Women get automatically judged badly because of their sex. They get the childish misogynist remarks. They are automatically hated for no apparent reason at all, and no-one wants a female prime minister, because it'll be another Maggie Thatcher.
The other issue I also agree with is pay. If we are doing the same job, then we should be paid the same amount.
What I disagree with is that media is the sole problem. There have been so many films that encourage and show the full force of the feminist movement. One of my favourite films recently has to be Made in Dagenham. A film about the Ford strikes, showed a very well rounded, honest view of the strikes, and how it impacted politics, and their family lives. I am not saying that the media is an angel. Far from it, but laying all the blame on the media is not entirely fair.
I think that another factor as to why feminism is forgotten, is because people have heard it all before. People are fed up with some feminists rabbiting on about their views, and making other women feel like dirt in the process.
I think we still have a long way to go. We went from one extreme to another. Women were supposed to be beautiful, the husband's slave. Then we went to this powerful tantrum, where some women would do the exact opposite to a typical women's job, because they wanted to prove that they were a feminist. Wearing male clothes to feel like they had more clout.
We need a middle ground. We need to have equality, and not assume that if we are in the house then we become man servants. But we also need to understand that looking good is allowed. It shows that we want the best from ourselves.
Maybe another idea is before we as women harp on about equality with males, that we find equality, and love from other women. I'm not talking about being a lesbian. I am talking about no bitching, no mean remarks. Treating each other as equals. If we fought less amongst each other, then maybe it would help focus us on the important things. I don't think we realise that we fuel the misogynist fire with all the in-fighting.
I don't know about you, but a better world would be where we have the equal pay, the house of commons to feel less like a playground spat, and the women of the world to be in peace.
I'm going to do my bit for us women. I am not going protesting for equal pay. I won't be shouting off about how attractive women are used in adverts etc. I am going to treat other women with respect, because that is how I want to be treated, man or woman.

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