Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Onwards and Upwards!

For a little while, I have been trying to sort out my entry year into university. Yesterday I got a breakthrough, and got the entry level and the course I wanted! For me this is a big sigh of relief- I don't need to worry about my academic future, being one less thing to worry about. 
I can now prepare for university life: apply for the student loan, try to work out my timetable, get practising, and sort my work life around uni. This time I can apply myself, not worrying about whether I am being sociable enough, and whether people like me. I obviously don't want everyone to hate me, but living at home, and being a little bit older, I won't be in the department 24/7 to do everything, and won't be involved in the politics of the department.
Invading a year early has really helped me get the feel of the department and how it is run. I also have had a chance to get to know some of the people that are there. Going straight into third year will mean that these people would of already made their friendship groups. It can make life a lot harder, especially if you all need to work together. Having that year would mean I feel more comfortable, especially the Guernsey trip, because it means I already know people, and hopefully won't be afraid to come up and talk to me, and visa versa.
I am now incredibly excited, and ready to get my teeth into this year. This is my last chance saloon. I will push myself as far as I need to to get these results, and be able to say I have a degree with honours. To give those Canterbury people who doubt(ed) me the proverbial finger. To show them the amazing opportunities that I have been given, and the opportunities I hope to get in the future. A step back is sometimes what you need to move forward.
Now to sort out the rest of my life! ;p x

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