At the 1936 Olympics, Hitler wanted to prove that looking a certain way (white, blonde hair, blue eyes) made you stronger, faster, most powerful. Jesse Owens humiliated Hitler by proving that theory very wrong.
The story of this 1968 photo shows such respect. Tommie Smith, John Carlos, and Peter Norman, and their fight for equality,.
What really hits home for me is Peter Norman. I can understand Smith and Carlos's plight, but I can identify with Norman. His words: 'I'll stand with you' when the Americans told him what they were going to do. It was also Norman who suggested that Smith and Carlos share the black gloves used in their salute, after Carlos left his gloves in the Olympic Village. They all ostracised themselves from their country's media, they put their athletics career in jeopardy. It brought hope that we can move forward as humans. The other great achievements were Nicola Adams and Jade Jones's gold medals. The first time women's boxing is introduced to the Olympics. The first gold medal ever and it goes to Great Britain. The first time Great Britain has won in Taekwondo. These are the people we should look up to; not the BB contestants, not the reality 'stars'.Here's to the rest of the games, here's to the heroes, the inspiration people of the past, the present, and the future. x
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