Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Getting a couple of things off my chest.

So, just to update, if people don't already know...
I have stopped going to the doctors surgery for my weigh ins, I have started slimming world instead.
 I was vey apprehensive at first, but found that I have really enjoyed it, and it has worked really well for me.
Now, here goes.
Just a couple of things. I want to say thank you to all you wonderful people who have sent me Facebook links, recipe ideas, syn values for ice creams, and those who deal with me either chatting about it all the time, or my constant question asking. You are wonderful and help keep me going. It has made me realise a couple of things though that annoy me no end.
 *Warning* rant!
Turning around when I have a chocolate bar or something saying 'are you sure you can have that?' 'Should you be having that?' is not helpful. I can bloody well have that because I have worked for it. I have been careful all day so I can have this. If you don't like it? Tough tits. Who knew you were the food police?
Constantly asking if I want a certain sweet/cake/food when I have said no is rude, and could be cruel. I have said no. Accept my no and move on. I am not asking you to abstain, just stop bugging me about it. Have you not thought that I've said no, so that I can say yes to something at another time?
When you can see my weight loss, saying I look 'much better' or 'you look so beautiful now' etc. Now just to clarify, people congratulating me on my weight loss is different. People who have supported me on my journey are different. Its those underhand back compliments I don't like that can be very hurtful. What you are basically saying is I didn't approve of your weight before, silently judging me for all these years for my looks. All those compliments you said before now feel empty and defunct, because you didn't actually mean them, you just felt obliged to say them. Friends do not push each other down, they build each other up. I am doing this for me, not so that you feel better that I fit your version of normal or acceptable. Maybe you don't realise that it can come off as rude, but that person is still me. That body got me through so much, and I am grateful and love it. So you insult that body? You insult this one too.
One of the hardest things for people to accept- I actually liked myself before. Don't get me wrong, I had my hang ups, I had my lows. But I had my highs as well. That body could surprise even the best of people. That body could withstand some hard arse zumba classes. That body had rhythm, that for a beginner I could dance well and enjoy it at whatever size. I dressed for my body however I liked and still will do. We fat people don't have to hate ourselves on a constant basis. We are allowed to like ourselves, the same as we can change it if we want to.
I'm sure there are others that annoy the hell out of you. These are just the ones I have encountered at the moment. I'm sure if there are any others, I will do a rant filled blog post for you soon ;)

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