They are very sticky, which was the only downside, but otherwise a fab alternative to the regular hot cross buns.
My other find was after work today. I came out of work originally looking for an easter present for my Grampa, and came across a gluten free farmer's market stall, selling homemade pies, cakes, breads, and other treats!
I resisted the cakes and treats, but got myself a pork, leek and apple pie, granola and a loaf of bread. I would say that they were very reasonable prices considering you are paying for gluten free.

I will be buying from them again, and look forward to trying new things! They have a fab website where you can order their foods from the internet, or see when they are next in the area http://hampshireglutenfreecompany.co.uk/ .
Let me know what you think, and Happy Easter to you all! x
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